The 3 Most Common Early Signs Of An Automotive Brake Problem

Brake problems are one of the most common issues car owners face. Thankfully, most brake system repairs are relatively simple and inexpensive to have done. However, if you ignore the early signs of a brake problem, it can lead to much more expensive repairs or even a tragic accident.

To avoid unnecessary repair bills or accidents, it's important you know the three most common early signs of a brake system problem. They are as follows:

#1 Early Sign of a Brake Problem: You See a Puddle of Brake Fluid Under Your Parked Car

Your car's braking system relies on brake fluid to lubricate it and keep things working properly. If the brake fluid is leaking or missing entirely, then the brakes can fail and more expensive parts like the master cylinder could end up needing replacement. 

Any time you see any fluid under your car, it's vital you determine where it's coming from. Brake fluid is clear, oily, and smells fishy, and you can check its level by looking at the dipstick in the reservoir under your car's hood.

#2 Early Sign of a Brake Problem: Your Car's Brake Pedal Feels Different

As a vehicle's brakes start to wear down or have another mechanical problem, the brake pedal will feel a bit different when it is depressed. Often, you will feel vibrations, pulsating, sponginess or softness. In addition to how the pedal itself feels, when you step on the brakes it's important to observe the overall function of the car. For example, if you brake and the car veers to the left or right, then this is a sign the brake pad on that side is worn and needs replacement.

#3 Early Sign of a Brake Problem: New Sounds When You Brake

While automobile brakes will often squeal when dust gets trapped between their pads and rotors, all new sounds coming from your car's brakes are a cause for concern. If you hear squealing, screeching, grinding, or any other noises when braking, its brakes need attention.

For Additional Assistance

All automotive mechanics and tire shop technicians can easily inspect your car's brakes by simply removing your car's tires. Since the process is so simple and often even free to have done, it's vital you have your car's brakes professionally inspected at the first sign of a potential problem. It's always better to know the situation than end up in an accident due to a brake failure.

Seek out brake repairs today if any of these issues sound familiar to you.
