What Causes Transmission Failure?

If you drive a vehicle, it is important to be aware of the warning signs of transmission repair. This is one part of your car that can be quite expensive to fix if it breaks down, and many vehicle owners don't know what really causes it to happen. Thankfully, sometimes it's possible to prevent damage by changing the way that you drive or how you take care of your vehicle. By knowing what causes transmission failure and how it can be prevented, you'll be doing all that you can to help your car run smoothly.

The Way You Drive

Do you have a commute that is in particularly heavy traffic? If so, the constant braking and accelerating actually put stress on your vehicle's transmission over the years. You're simply causing the transmission to shift gears more frequently, which puts wear on the part. Let your auto mechanic know about what your commute is like, and they may let you know how often to have the transmission inspected and serviced, which may be more frequently than drivers that don't drive daily through heavy traffic.

The Maintenance You Have Done

Don't make the mistake of thinking that a car that seems to be running fine doesn't require a trip to the mechanic for an inspection and service. Having the transmission looked at can prevent problems from getting worse that would otherwise be ignored. For example, you may have low or dirty transmission fluid that needs to be addressed or particular parts of the transmission that are worn down and can be replaced.

You also do not want to make the mistake of putting the wrong kind of transmission fluid into your vehicle. Much like how your engine requires a certain type of gasoline and motor oil, transmissions require a certain kind of fluid.

The Craftsmanship of the Transmission

It's also possible that the health of your transmission is based on how it is manufactured. If a discovery was made in how the transmission was made, it is common for vehicle manufacturers to announce a recall where you need to bring your car in to be serviced. That is why you need to stay updated about potential product recalls and take your car to your local car dealership for any service that is necessary for free. While it may be inconvenient to have a part serviced that seems to be working fine, it can help prevent a costly repair down the road.
